Logicaisse on top

Logicaisse is proud to help the Gracia Foundation to achieve their goal: give a hand for families in needs. Two major projects: Enlargement of the Corbeille Bordeaux-Cartierville and the opening of Épicerie Solidaire at Saint-Laurent. In order to achieve this project, 30 climbers raised funds and will be climbing the peak of Kilimandjaro in the beginning of August. High of 5895 meters, Kilimandjaro is the African continent highlight. A real top challenge for a very good cause!

Logicaisse on top More details on this adventure (and Pictures). Visit Fondation Gracia's Website .

Proud donor to the UHC foundation

Fondation CHU Ste-Justine

Logicaisse is pleased to encourage the foundation of the CHU Sainte-Justine. The major gift of the registrant Logicaisse now in the Great Circle for children. It is with pleasure that we contribute to the success of various embodiments of the largest mother-child center in Canada.

Make your donation to the foundation. See our letter of contribution